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The Decluttering Experts in Sydney

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Are you overwhelmed by the number and volume of creative projects you have on the go? Does it frustrate you and all the people you live with? Do they resent the amount of household clutter or the real estate dedicated to your crafting passions?

I bet you recognise your crafting, creative self in at least 3 of these scenarios.

  • Projects on the go that need to stay out so they can be picked up and squeezed into pockets of time in day-to-day life.
  • Experiments in techniques that were never meant to be completed projects, have no final destination but may prove useful or be nascent ideas for something bigger.
  • Pieces from creative courses attended that really didn’t spark any joy or interest but having spent money you don’t feel you should waste it.
  • Creations that are at a roadblock and you don’t know what direction to take them next. You leave them out so you can walk by them multiple times a day while ideas percolate in your mind.
  • The design epiphany that hits you in the shower and you frantically sketch and design on the steamed up glass to fix it in your mind. Unless you do that, you lose it. Once you step out of the shower it’s gone as you are headed out the door to work or the school drop-off.
  • Multiple projects on the go for when you go on holidays and travel, sitting in front of the TV, attending your weekly craft interest group, etc. Complemented by a stash of craft kits bought on holidays or during visits to Expo’s and Design shows.
  • You receive or inherit gifts, hand-me-downs, other people’s stashes because you will “appreciate” and use them.
  • Colour and pattern and texture are triggers for you. You can’t walk by fabric or wool, plants, trees and rocks without wanting to caress them. Once you’ve touched it you just have to have it, whether buying, collecting or photographing.

As your creativity evolves so does your body of work.That probably means you have cupboards and boxes and drawers and slide-under-the-bed storage containers with your stash. Let’s not forget, all these experiments and creations require tools and equipment, instructions manuals, reference books and magazines that go with them.

At some point there is a change in interests and priorities. You may be downsizing your entire dwelling and have to downsize your hobbies to match. Health reasons prevent you doing some, or all, of these past passions anymore.
Or, you simply can’t cram in another bead, tile, skein of wool, piece of fabric, canvas or book into your creative space.
Most Professional Organisers have niches, areas of expertise or specialisation. They are mature adults with a rich and varied life and work history. Exactly like their clients.

It is time to take stock of what you actually need, can, and want to use. Get professional organising assistance from someone who understands the need to create order in the space you have available, so you can carry on with those hobbies that honour and feed your creativity. Someone to listen, and help you drill down to what it is that will serve a purpose in your creative future. Maybe help you sell or find suitable donation points. So these wonderful items that have given you so much joy don’t go to landfill but go on to give joy.