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The Decluttering Experts in Sydney

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As a New Year resolution Decluttering Solutions wants to reflect on how we too need to meet the provider standards set by the Aged Care Quality & Safeguards Commission.

Standard 1. Consumer dignity and choice
Consumer outcome

(1) I am treated with dignity and respect, and can maintain my identity. I can make informed choices about my care and services, and live the life I choose.

Advising you you on rearranging your rooms, furniture and cupboards. Removing unnecessary items whether to recycling, donation or even just to another room in your home. We present you with a plan and timeline. Once you have listened to our reasoning then the ultimate decision is yours.
Standard 2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
Consumer outcome
(1) I am a partner in ongoing assessment and planning that helps me get the care and services I need for my health and well-being.
(1)We can plan an initial approach to our declutter and organising services but as the actual work gets underway we may find things change on how we need to prioritise the work. We will discuss any changes needed and why we think they should happen. We will also happily report on what we do to anyone else you wish us to.
Standard 3. Personal care and clinical care
Consumer outcome
(1) I get personal care, clinical care, or both personal care and clinical care, that is safe and right for me.
Letting someone else handle your things, items that are part of your personal history is a challenge. While you might feel uncertain as the decluttering process begins, it is important that you are informed and involved. This is a collaboration to declutter your home in a targeted way will make you feel both physically safer and comfortable at home
Standard 4. Services and supports for daily living
Consumer outcome
(1) I get the services and supports for daily living that are important for my health and well-being and that enable me to do the things I want to do.
Being able to move around your home safely, access items you need every day will make your life more streamlined and enjoyable. Making it safely accessible for everyone you want to see and everyone who is helping you to stay more safely at home.
Standard 5. Organisation’s service environment
Consumer outcome
(1) I feel I belong and I am safe and comfortable in the organisation’s service environment.
It is so important as a service provider, Decluttering Solutions makes you feel safe in your home, involved in the plan and empowered by the informed decisions you are making as we work together.
Standard 6. Feedback and complaints
Consumer outcome
(1) I feel safe and am encouraged and supported to give feedback and make complaints. I am engaged in processes to address my feedback and complaints, and appropriate action is taken.

We’ll check in with you as changes in your home take place at each and every session. Get feedback on how the decluttering is going: both the practical progress and how it makes you feel in frank and open discussions. Any complaints will be addressed immediately.

Standard 7. Human resources
Consumer outcome
(1) I get quality care and services when I need them from people who are knowledgeable, capable and caring.
Decluttering Solutions prides itself on matching clients with experienced Professional Organisers who are also members of an industry body, undertake professional development and follow a Code of Practice.
Standard 8. Organisational governance
Consumer outcome
(1) I am confident the organisation is well run. I can partner in improving the delivery of care and services.
Decluttering Solutions is an ASIC registered business with an ABN. We hold PL & PI insurance and have all appropriate checks. We welcome feedback, both verbal and written by our clients as a way to improve services and identify any gaps in the type of services we provide./span>